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Copeland Chiropractic Clinic Blog

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How Does Acupuncture Work to Relieve Pain?

Do you know what acupuncture is? Learning about this traditional Chinese medicine is beneficial if you experience chronic pain. It involves inserting thin needles into specific body sites. 

Managing Lower Back Pain With the Help of a Chiropractor

Chiropractic care is a type of alternative healthcare. It helps with problems in your nervous system or muscles without surgery.

Whiplash After an Accident: 5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor

Millions of people are injured in auto accidents every year. While some suffer minor injuries, others are left with injuries that can last a lifetime.

Chiropractic Evaluation After an Auto Accident: What to Expect

After an auto accident, you will do well to get chiropractic care to help reduce pain and provide relief. Even minor auto injuries can cause muscle and joint strain. The body can attempt to heal itself after an accident, but it is still essential to get professional care. Chiropractic treatment can adjust the body and relieve muscle tension.

A Guide to Choosing the Best Chiropractor for Your Needs

Are you looking for a healthcare approach focusing on natural healing methods without medication or surgery? If so, chiropractic care may be the solution for you. Your chiropractor acts as a guide for your spine, muscle, and joint health. 

Managing Arthritis With Chiropractic Treatment

Arthritis is a common problem affecting many people worldwide. It is a chronic disease that affects the quality of life of these people. Approximately 23 percent of the adult population in the United States have the condition. One of the most effective ways to manage arthritis is through chiropractic treatment.

5 Incredible Benefits of Routine Massage Therapy

Massage therapy was at one time only available to the wealthy of society via high-end spas and health clubs. Nowadays, it is available in hospitals, clinics, airports, and even businesses. From its origin in old Chinese medicine, massage therapy has come a long way. Now, many health practitioners are aware of the many benefits that massage therapy offers. Having routine visits is the best way to take advantage of all these benefits.

6 Tips to Better Manage Arthritis

The Centers for Disease Control have a program that can help people manage their arthritis. The program acknowledges self-management activities and strategies for dealing with the symptoms. Practicing the right strategies can help manage this condition. Below are six tips you can consider for managing your arthritis better.

5 Important Reasons to See a Chiropractor After an Accident

After a car accident, it is essential to see a doctor immediately for a checkup. The checkup is meant to ensure you did not sustain any internal injuries. Doctors can deal with injuries such as bruises, cuts, and internal bleeding. The doctor will recommend a chiropractor if you have none of these but have issues with your joints or neck.

Recover Faster From Work Injuries With Chiropractic Care

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain due to work-related injuries. Most people seek alternatives to medications to find pain relief. Chiropractic care is effective for dealing with various injuries. It works on the principle that the body can heal itself.

Roya1234 none 9:00am - 12:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm 8:00am - 5:00pm 8:00am - 5:00pm 8:00am - 5:00pm Closed Closed 509-865-2053 509-865-5636 509-943-2333 9:00am - 12:00pm 2:00pm - 6:00pm 8:00am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 6:00pm